Category Archives: Opinion

The Beast Rake Race Week 2

How much did the Beast on ACR  payout last week?

Last week we posted a breakdown of how the The Beast UnleashedBeast Rake Race on ACR adapted to the New Free Format.

We took daily readings once again to see how the Jackpot progressed last week.

Saturday 4/12 8AM $12,036, 5PM $13,111

Sunday 4/13 6AM $15,634, 5PM $17,067

Monday 4/14 5AM $19,980, 5:30PM $21,358

Tuesday 4/15 1PM $25,086

Wednesday 4/16 4PM $29,577

Thursday 4/17 8AM $32,659, 4PM $33,762

Friday 4/18 8AM $37,070, 4:30PM $38, 151

These daily totals show a consistent increase of $4K per day on the Beast.

The past week, ending at midnight April 19, The Beast paid out a total of $29,850. The first week of the free Beast paid out $36,689.

This is $29K in free money that ACR is paying back to players on the Beast.

90 players won Cash, First place paid $2980 while finishing 90th won $104.

137 players collected $55 tournament seats to the April 27th LSOP Millions II seat package event.

Other ACR news:


ACR increased the buy-in on the nightly Big Ten $12.5K GTD to $30 (28+2)

This can be good for players, the Tournament still guarantees $12.5 K but  has had a slight impact on total players involved. The first couple of nights at the new buy-in I’ve seen 380 to 400 runners each night, smaller fields are a little less taxing to win and it lowers the number of positions paid, so each time you cash, you will win more.

$20K High Roller

Starting on May 4th at 6:30PM ET look for the 20K High Roller tournament.

This new tournament has a 10K chip stack, 20 minute blinds and $20,000 guarantee with a buy-in of $530.

Look for satellites starting on April 27th on the main tournament lobby

Wednesday was huge Tournament Day on Americas Cradroom…….

Americas Cardroom had a Big Tournament night on Wednesday November 7th

This is probably a result of the fantastic Big 10 GuaranteedWSOP® Final Table which aired Tuesday on ESPN®.

ACR is a sponsor and ran a few ad’s during the final table coverage, this had a dramatic effect on the traffic on Americas Cardroom Wednesday Night…..

ACR runs their daily Big 10 Guaranteed tournaments every night, here are the results from the November 6th schedule:

Each Big Ten Tournament has a 5000 chip deep stack start and generous 15 minute blinds.

The Big Ten Tournament format on ACR is set up for every player to get plenty opportunity to see enough hands and make a run for the big payouts……..

Big Ten 1K GTD, NLHE,  $5.50 buy-in, 301 players, $1505 total prize pool, 1st place=$303

Big Ten $4K GTD 6 max, NLHE,  $22 buy-in, 214 players, $4280 total prize pool, 1st place=$963

Big Ten $2.5K GTD, NLHE, $11 buy-in, 270 players, $2700 total prize pool, 1st place paid $580

Big Ten $5K GTD, NLHE, $55 buy-in, 114 players, $5700 total prize pool, 1st place paid $1425

Big Ten $15K GTD, NLHE, $55 buy-in, 158 players, $15,800 total prize pool, 1st place paid $3634

Big Ten $12.5K GTD, NLHE, $27.50 buy-in, 449 players, $12,500 total prize pool, 1st=$2437

Americas Cardroom has the Best evening Tournament schedule, the fastest payouts and a 100% sign-up Bonus for all new players

Read the Americas Cardroom complete Review and Details

4000 Readers—Thank You

This happened yesterday, but I’ve been a little busy playing Poker (and working) sorry about the delay…………

We here at Online Poker Update want to thank each and everyone of our 4000 readers who has visited our little corner of the Internet…..and hope everyone continues to visit us regularly

Thanks Guys,

Robert Alan to close up shop!

October 17, 2012 8:30 PM CT

Ironically, there is no mention of this anywhere on!

We found this on Face Book,

Unfortunately, Grrrinders will no longer be able to offer subscription style games and is closing down the operation. All players past and present that are owed money or prizes need to claim them immediately. There is no longer a minimum requirement to claim your prizes via your player profile. If you currently are in possession of a check from Grrrinders, you must deposit or cash it at your nearest Wells Fargo Bank immediately. We wished to give you some advance notice so that those that wanted to copy their tournament histories, blogs, or send a note to a friend on the site the ability to do such. Unfortunately, the software situation that has plaqued us for so long and has once again began giving us more headaches has made it impossible for us to continue to acquire more debt to the players and with no guarantees that new software will preform properly from the onset, it makes it impossible for us to continue to operate this at a loss as we have done since November of 2010. We wish to thank all of those that have made this site their home and offered so much support over the past two years. Everyone involved did their absolute best and unfortunately with so many hurdles our best just wasn’t good enough. Please note new contact information:

Like · · Follow Post · 4 hours ago

Now, we really think this is a sad day for the Loyal Grrrinders who played and devoted themselves to the site.

However, keep in mind they were continually lied to, mis-lead and kept getting promises and high hopes that just never materialized.

Like we posted on previous occasions–Honesty would have been a better approach, rather than the denial, deletions, censorship and the other various means to cover the truth.

Grrrinders was an excellent concept, a socially oriented poker site, close friends and members…..for a decent price.

However, too much was promised, too much was paid out and no where near enough promotion to grow the membership was given.

Grrrinders was almost a closed club, new members were never given a chance, too many original members were devoted to keeping a closed circle.

We played on Grrrinders for over 6 months, finished at the top of many tournaments that were detailed on the blogs–our name was never mentioned, just the players everyone knew and had close relationships with other players and management.

We had many letters and comments that stated this, and some were even commenting that this was a Poker Cult!  We probably wouldn’t go that far, but it was close………

Back to why Grrrinders failed,

You would never see any advertisements other than the actual site on the Web, Never an ad in any of the popular Poker Magazines, never a huge promotional tournament plastered all over the web.

Their weekly $1000 WSOP seat promotion would have been a perfect opportunity to attract paying members, but very few knew of this promotion—just the closed circle of players (existing members) who won seats and were disappointed when they never received them…

The Free Play orginally scheduled on Grrrinders probably paid too much to Free players, Tournaments offered to paying members paid out far more than the memberships paid in…………

In total, it was just a bad combination of revenues, membership recruitment and total amount paid out….too much and too little

We really wish the Players on Grrrinders well, and hope that they can find a place to play on-line where this won’t happen to them again.

Reid Playing Games with Online Poker?

We found this today when we woke up,

No, I cannot honestly say I’m shocked.  In fact, I was expecting something like this to happen.

Why else would there have be blame slung back and forth earlier this week, regarding someone dropping the ball on Federal Internet Poker legislation.

Now we know,  Politics (think I heard that somewhere before).

It is pretty sad that a Senior Senator, someone who is supposed to be there for the people of Nevada would even think about possibly killing something that would benefit his constituents greatly, just to help improve his power base  in Washington.

I guess you get what you vote for,  here in the United States.

The Latest on Federal Internet Poker Bill

These articles about Federal Internet Poker legislation popped up over the last couple of days,

Finger Pointing

What the rift is about

It is such a complicated decision, you can let people play, in a secure, regulated environment and you can generate needed revenues by doing so, or you just say NO.

Make up your minds!

Another Perspective

On August 29th we posted this Article

Here is another perspective, from professional Poker Player Matt Matros.

What is it about poker that makes the game a target of paternalistic laws?

Read the entire article:

Republicans seek to ban all forms of Internet Gaming!

The Official Platform of the Republican Party has been posted online and made official.

There are many issues covered and we agree with most–Like reducing taxes, encouraging business growth, getting this great economy rolling again.

However, on page 39 of 62 we found this breathtaking statement:

Making the Internet Family-Friendly

Millions of Americans suffer from problem or
pathological gambling that can destroy families. We
support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet
and call for reversal of the Justice Department’s decision
distorting the formerly accepted meaning of
the Wire Act that could open the door to Internet

Now they go on to state that their internet mission is to protect children from internet predators, porn and illegal drugs and such. These activities, need to be banned and all violators locked away!

Our issue is with Internet Poker, Fantasy Sports, Race Handicapping, Chess etc. (the skill games!),  Not the Games of Chance (Casino) games

Should we interpret their meaning as all games?

If they want to eliminate gambling from the internet, why not go further and ban the sale and purchase of stocks and bonds on the internet?

If that’s not gambling–what is? No wait it’s not gambling, the people making money on these are the ones making all the decisions and manipulating the markets to their advantage, for them it’s a sure thing!!!!

One more thing, they will argue their cause as protecting you from your self,  well the pathological gamblers they want to protect from ruining themselves and their families, here in the U.S. throw $10’s of millions away every day in State run Lotteries-

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve waited in line at a gas station while some lunatic spent over $100 in lottery tickets, if that’s not pathological gambling, what is? —

Lotteries are a game that needs to be Banned, Put that at the Top of Your List 

These are the same people (the authors of this statement) who play Poker and frequent Casinos, only playing for $100’s of dollars a crack, not our nickel and dime on-line games.

With the country in a financial tizzy, you’d think there would be more important things on their minds……No lets not regulate and profit from a game that everyone is going to play anyway–No let’s ban it and let the tax dollars and profits go the countries that allow internet Gaming.

It’s like the cigarette and smoking issue, Why not ban them? They are unhealthy and addictive right? So get rid of them, make it a federal law–no manufacture, selling of cigarettes and smoking anywhere.

They’ll never do it! Why? Because they make too much money on taxing and from political contributions from the tobacco lobbies. So it’s OKAY

Treat Internet Poker the same way, regulate it,  tax it, and take all the political contributions you want from the gaming lobbies–you will anyway!

No we rather ban it, spend billions on enforcing it and have to borrow Billions, as a nation from China in the interim to pay for it.

Just my opinion……………………..

Another Court Ruling says Poker is a Game of Skill

N.Y. Judge Rules Poker a Game of Skill

There may be hope, this ruling carries a little weight, after all this was a Federal Judge Ruling the case. offers Legal Online Poker in 27 U.S States

This is however,  not the first time a Judge has ruled that Poker is a game of skill.

We reported this story last year on our Sister site:

August 1, 2011

France Rules Poker a game of Skill

A French Judge has ruled Poker is a game of Skill while hearing  the case of Jean-Pierre Gleizes and several other defendants. At question was the skill involved playing Poker, is it a game of skill or gambling?  The defendants were on trial for organizing a private poker games in a public settings.

The judge heard evidence from 3 “experts” the defense brought in to show that poker playing is indeed a skill. The experts used professional poker players, champion bridge players and Chess players as examples and convinced the judge that poker does indeed require a skill to win, and the “luck factor” can be overcome long term by using mathematics, statistics and probabilities along with psychological skills to win on a consistent basis.

There is also these Pennsyvania and Colorado Rulings from back in 2009.

A South Carolina Case, Here

Here is a Danish Court Ruling from 2007

There have been numerous Court Rulings thru-out the Years, none of them seem to have had any affect on any decisions to Legalize Internet Poker.

The only Ruling that really matters is the one Our Congress in Washington D.C., doesn’t seem to want to make…….